Do You Need a Personal Injury Attorney after Sustaining Serious Injuries in an Accident?

Do You Need a Personal Injury Attorney after Sustaining Serious Injuries in an Accident

If it is your first time hiring a lawyer, you may feel intimidated even by the idea of contacting one. However, if you have suffered a serious injury in an accident due to the negligence of another party, you may want to work with a personal injury attorney from Groth & Associates, so you know what actions to take. If you are not sure if you need an attorney, keep reading:

When to Hire an Injury Lawyer

Not all personal injury cases need the attention of a lawyer. Each situation is unique, but generally, you may be good on your own if you did not suffer physical injuries and serious financial losses. However, if the accident has left you seriously injured or if you have been contacted by an insurer making a settlement offer, you may have to speak with a lawyer. 

Reasons to Hire an Attorney

Hiring a personal injury attorney often makes sense if:

  • You don’t want to mistakes. Handling an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit by yourself is quite hard. The applicable law is complex and you can easily make mistakes if you are not family with the legal process. A skilled lawyer is familiar with different procedural requirements, filing deadlines, and strategies to maximize your claim’s value. With an attorney working on your case, you can avoid making costly mistakes. 
  • You are not a good negotiator. As insurers want to protect their bottom line, they won’t make generous settlement offers. How willing they are to settle your claim outside of the courtroom depends on the seriousness of your claim. With litigation, insurance companies spend significant amounts of money. So, it is important to convince the insurance company that paying you a reasonable settlement amount can save it money. Your attorney can do back-and-forth negotiations with the insurer until it accepts your counteroffer. 
  • You don’t know what evidence to collect. Collecting the right type of evidence is important to the success of your case. Your attorney can investigate your accident to collect related evidence that can be used to support and strengthen your claim. The kind of evidence to collect depends on the type of accident you were involved in. Your attorney can work with expert witnesses and professional investigators to prove your damages and the negligence of the other party. A great attorney has built solid relationships with reputable experts in different fields.